Inside with Alan Hanson, Sr. Vice President , Neo Group

LJ: Would you please share with us your current role & responsibilities.

AH:  As Senior Vice President, I lead our solutions, sales and marketing globally. Neo Group provides Globalization Advisory, Governance Solutions, and Supplier and Location risk analytics and monitoring services.  All three areas are growing and the supplier risk and analytics services are particularly critical in the market these days as clients turn there attention to meeting regulatory demands and their vendor management objectives of better managing their global operations. Continue reading

Has HR rushed too quickly to the service center?

by Gareth Cartman

Once upon a time, HR were viewed as fluffy people, or at worst, pen-pushers who took your holiday forms. Today, apparently, they’re a faceless department, a phone number, a web portal… HR as we knew it has been killed off by the service center, and the only people to blame are… HR.

The attractions of the shared service center are manifold. IDC recently underlined the massive rush towards HR outsourcing in its shared service form, with the benefits of centralized data, actionable metrics and cloud technology all to the fore. HR is, so they say, clamoring for help, and outsourcing is the answer to all of their problems. Continue reading

Is It Time to Quit Your Job?

by Amy Gallo

Everyone has bad days at work or even long periods when they feel disheartened about their job. But how do you know the difference between ordinary, occasional dissatisfaction and a genuine mismatch? How do you know when you’re truly ready to move on? And how do you then get out gracefully?

What the Experts Say Quitting a job can negatively impact your career and disrupt your personal life. But staying in an undesirable situation can be worse. “I find a lot of people paralyzed by their unhappiness with their current reality,” says Leonard Schlesinger, the president of Babson College and coauthor of Just Start: Take Action, Embrace Uncertainty, Create the Future. It’s often easier to stay put. “Most people stay too long in bad jobs because the corporate world is geared towards keeping us in roles, not matching individuals up with their ideal roles,” says Daniel Gulati, a tech entrepreneur and coauthor of Passion & Purpose: Stories from the Best and Brightest Young Business Leaders. But don’t let yourself get stuck. Here’s how to decide whether it’s really time to quit, and if so, how to leave effectively: Continue reading